miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


Create Your Glitter Text


TITLE: Dan In Real Life

YEAR: 2007


GENRE/MOVIE STYLE: Comedy and romantic.

DIRECTOR; Peter Hedgers.

CAST: Steve Carell, Juliette Binoche, Dane Cook, etc,

MAIN CHARACTERS: Steve Carell(Dan), Juliette(Marie)

TIME AND PLACE: In the USA in the actuality


1-What is the best age group for this film?: All audiences

2-What is the film about? (PLOT): It all starts when Dan Burns widower takes refuge in the excuse that it most deal with her three daughters to present rebelds face any infoseen situacion. He falls in love with a girl but discovers that she it the bride of his brother.

3-Some general descriptive phrases about the film. (Scenes, special effects): The best thing is the end, when his daughter it deal and are going to look for her.

4-Would you tell. someone else to see this film? Why(or why not?); The movie is nice, I recommend it, especially to the people who like family reunions.

5-Rating; Good

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